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report admin


1. Admin Name: Doktor_chukalow01
2.Which server:swarm
3.What the admin did: abuse ban, i camping  1/2 and he ban me
4.Admin s steamid:-
5.Proof(demo or screenshot):https://imgur.com/a/beW9JKU ,  https://www37.zippyshare.com/v/YZ8r5Szi/file.html
6.At what time in the demo can we see the abuse: 5:25 - 5:50


I don't know why no one has responded, but replied to you so far: but you have the right, this ADMIN is disgusting and takes advantage of mistakes, and even though he is responsible, he continues with insults permanently



Apologies for the late response.
You received the first warning from the admin at 4:54, and at this time you were sitting at the B site and camping. You failed to respond to admin's verbal warning, and he was in his full right to issue a proper punishment for your disobeience. It was weird that he banned you immediately after slaying you, though, but again, you should have payed attention to the warning.

If you want to avoid getting banned for camping, then don't camp. Simple as that.

- Declined.
-- Thread closed.

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