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1. Admin's name:KURD
2. Server (zombie swarm or zombie plague): zombie swarm
3. What the Admin did: im was afk and he banned me ban for 1day reason bad word i swear i swear to god i dont insulting him i was afk i swear please help
4. Admin's SteamID :STEAM_2:1:1031267554
5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.mediafire.com/file/u8gzwglgz0smsvr/[CSGAMERS]_Umbrella_Swarm.dem/file
6. At what time  the demo can we see the abuse: in some secs



Not entirely sure if you were swearing or not, considering that you communicated in a different language. Either way, a day-long ban is most certainly excessive and the ban reason is not appropriate.
You ban will be lifted and the admin will be dealt with accordingly.

- Approved.
-- Thread closed.

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